The Captain and His Boat

Randy Birch is a true "Teaguer" - he was born and raised on Chincoteague Island and for his whole life has made his living on and around the island. He is a waterman by trade, harvesting hard and softshell crabs, minnows and horseshoe crabs during the summer, and guiding waterfowl hunts in the winter. He knows the waters intimately and lends a unique authenticity to the tour experience.
Captain Randy's comfortably equipped 24' Carolina Skiff is Coast Guard approved to carry up to 6 passengers. Tours on and around the waters of Virginia's Chincoteague and Assateague Islands depart from a private dock on Chincoteague's east side.
Our schedule is now available online. Please use the yellow button above on our homepage to book now! Most Questions can be answered through this website. Any additional questions, please
CALL (757) 894 - 5964 for more information.
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